Jess Barnes, known by her electrifying stage name BrawlnBarnes, is a rising force in the world of amateur wrestling, leaving her mark on the indie circuit across the United States. Despite being relatively new to the sport, her journey embodies resilience, determination, and a passion for breaking barriers.
Inspired by wrestlers since childhood yet initially hesitant to pursue her dreams, Barnes took the leap three years ago when she enrolled at the Myrtle Beach Pro Wrestling School under the mentorship of the esteemed ‘Wildfire’ Tommy Rich. Her dedication knows no bounds, evident in her diverse training background spanning martial arts, dance, gymnastics, and fitness, culminating in her also becoming an Amateur Heavyweight Boxer.
Encountering rejection due to her size, age, and gender from traditional wrestling schools, Barnes found her breakthrough at the Wrestling Dojo in Texas, where she was embraced for her tenacity and skill. Supported by female trainers who defy sexist norms in the industry, she has blossomed, touring the Midwest and South with her captivating style and infectious personality.
Already making waves with appearances on prominent platforms like Barstool Sports, Impact Wrestling, and Bubba Army’s Big Girl Nationals, Barnes is carving her path to professionalism. As she aims to transition into the ranks of the pros, she serves as an inspiration to aspiring wrestlers everywhere, proving that with grit and determination, no obstacle is insurmountable in the pursuit of one’s passion.