David LaGreca, a charismatic, forthright, and energetic figure, is best known as the creator and host of the engaging radio show Busted Open. The show, which debuted on SiriusXM Fight Nation in 2017, holds the distinction of being the only live, daily pro wrestling talk show worldwide. LaGreca’s career in broadcasting began at the NHL Network, and he later played a pivotal role in SiriusXM NFL Radio as the lead producer of the popular broadcast, The Opening Drive.
With an impressive fifteen-year tenure in radio broadcasting, LaGreca has become an award-winning talent. His warm and fast-paced voice, coupled with his unique comedy and hilarious “rants,” has cultivated a dedicated fan base. Merchandise bearing his bold and iconic designs, available through Prowrestlingtees, reflects his distinct personality. LaGreca’s Twitter feed, boasting over 29,000 followers, serves as a platform for regular engagement with his audience.
Widely recognized as an unparalleled voice in the wrestling world, LaGreca has conducted interviews with legends such as Triple H, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, and Vince McMahon throughout his career. A self-professed lifelong pro wrestling enthusiast, LaGreca’s passion has taken him across the country. His encyclopedic knowledge of wrestling history, particularly the ‘golden age’ of the 80s, and his profound understanding of the squared-circle, further solidify his status as a respected authority in the realm of professional wrestling.