Donald John Trump Jr., often known as Don Jr., is an influential American businessman and the eldest son of former President Donald Trump and his first wife, Ivana. Born on December 31, 1977, in Manhattan, New York City, Trump Jr. has played a significant role in The Trump Organization as a trustee and executive vice president, working closely with his younger brother, Eric. His contributions to the family business are well-regarded, reflecting his deep involvement in its operations.
Trump Jr. first gained national prominence through his role as a boardroom judge on the reality TV show *The Apprentice*, which starred his father. His on-screen presence helped him build a public profile beyond his business activities. In addition to his television career, Trump Jr. authored two books, *Triggered* (2019) and *Liberal Privilege* (2020), which offer critiques of liberal policies and reflect his conservative viewpoints.
His political involvement has been significant, with active participation in his father’s presidential campaigns in 2016 and 2020. Trump Jr.’s influence extended to the 2024 Republican National Convention, where he played a key role in introducing J.D. Vance, a close friend and the selected running mate for the former president.
Trump Jr.’s educational background includes attending Buckley School and The Hill School, followed by a degree in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 2000. After graduation, he spent a year in Aspen, Colorado, engaging in outdoor activities and working as a bartender before returning to join The Trump Organization.
In recent years, Trump Jr. has embraced digital media with the launch of his podcast *Triggered with Don Jr.* on Rumble in 2023. His personal life, including his relationship with Kimberly Guilfoyle, has also attracted media attention. The couple, engaged since December 31, 2020, announced their engagement publicly in early 2022. Additionally, Trump Jr. relocated his official residency from New York to Florida in December 2021, marking a new chapter in his life.