Gregory Alan Berger, known to many as Gregg Berger, stands as a venerable figure in the realms of animation and gaming. With a career spanning over four decades, Berger has left an indelible mark on numerous iconic characters, captivating audiences with his versatile voice acting talents.
Berger’s voice resonates deeply in the hearts of fans as he brought to life memorable characters such as the mighty Grimlock in “The Transformers” series, the enigmatic Jecht in “Final Fantasy X,” and the cunning Mysterio and formidable Kraven the Hunter in “Spider-Man: The Animated Series.” His vocal prowess extended to a plethora of beloved characters, including the lovable Odie from “Garfield and Friends,” the wise Eeyore in “Kingdom Hearts II,” and the ruggedly heroic Thing in “Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.”
Since his debut in 1978 with roles like Adult Chirin in “Ringing Bell,” Berger’s talent has graced numerous productions, from the classic “Super Friends” to the irreverent “Duckman” series. He lent his voice to the Spyro series of video games as the cunning Ripto and the agile Hunter the Cheetah, further solidifying his status as a gaming legend.
Beyond animation and gaming, Berger’s talent shines in diverse projects, including contributions to blockbuster films like “Alita: Battle Angel” and animated hits like “Despicable Me 3.” With each role, Berger continues to captivate audiences, leaving an enduring legacy as one of the most distinguished voice actors of his generation.