The marvellous equestrian Jens Fredricson is a show jumping rider, stable master, and trainer. He is a World Champion, a 2x Swedish Champion, as well as a European Championships medalist, and a World Cup medalist. He also represented his native Sweden at the 2012 London Olympics.
Born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden, Fredricson, along with his younger brother Peder, grew up around horses as their father was a veterinary professor and a manager at the Flyinge equestrian club. Jens took to riding at a early age and started competing in junior show jumping events, and by the time he was 27 he had won his first Swedish Championships medal, taking Silver in 1994. He has since gone on to win seven more Swedish Championships medals, including two Golds in 2008 and 2012.
Fredricson also represented his native Sweden at the 2012 London Olympics, and the following year he took Bronze at the European Championships. After a number of years away from the podium, he had a successful 2022 taking Bronze in individual jumping at the World Cup, and then Gold in team jumping at the World Championships.
Fredricson regularly connects with his legions of followers and fans through Instagram, and Facebook, posting pictures and comments about his life in the saddle.