John Reinke, the resilient star of Netflix’s sensation “Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness,” has faced adversity head-on, emerging as one of the most captivating figures in the world of true crime documentaries. In the nineties, Reinke’s life took a dramatic turn during his career as a professional bungee jumper and zip line tester. A catastrophic fall of over fifty feet left him with shattered feet, a broken hip, and back injuries. Overcoming paralysis proved to be a lengthy journey, marked by determination and perseverance, ultimately leading to his distinctive prosthetics.
Reinke’s life took another unexpected turn when he became a zookeeper at Joe Exotic’s infamous GW Zoo, a role he held for fourteen years. Caring for a staggering 500 animals, including 187 big cats and his own cub Bonedigger, Reinke became a central figure in the bizarre world depicted in “Tiger King.” Known for his down-to-earth and lovable personality, Reinke emerged as one of the most honest and reasoned voices in the documentary.
The Netflix docu-series propelled Reinke into the spotlight, making him one of the show’s most recognizable faces. As the world remains captivated by the unfolding saga of Joe Exotic, Carole Baskin, and Jeff Lowe, Reinke stands as a firsthand witness to the tumultuous events, offering a unique perspective. His enduring composure and authenticity have solidified him as a compelling voice in the ongoing dialogue surrounding “Tiger King.” After living through the saga himself, Reinke remains a vital source of insight into one of the most bizarre stories to capture global attention.