Booming in popularity as an unforgettable contestant on the 2020 Netflix reality TV show Too Hot to Handle, Kori Sampson has since shared his training tips, modelling success and influencer talents all over the world. The 24-year-old personal trainer hailing from Plymouth was known as the bad boy of the show. Coming in unexpectedly near the show’s middle, he became known for his controversially forward and provocative attitude and comments. Although leaving the show shortly after, he became one of its most well-known and infamous figures.
With more than 800 thousand Instagram followers, Sampson uses his platform to share news about his personal training and fitness business as well as displaying his burgeoning modelling career. Travelling all over the world, Sampson has become a popular online presence and personality. He is currently signed to FOMO Models as well as being the ambassador for the fashion brand Fashion Nova Men. He has also recently written the e-book My Lean Lifestyle, sharing his tips and expertise in fitness and nutrition. The book aims to help readers improve their lifestyle and get to the gym.
Propelled by his infamous presence on the highly successful Netflix show, Sampson has since built a powerful name and online presence for himself. Travelling the world promoting his business, forging a successful modelling career and influencing his almost millions of fans, Sampson is going places. Known for his chiselled figure and piercing blue eyes and with all-around talents, it is not a surprise that this Netflix bad boy has become the electrifying Instagram and online presence he is now.