Miss Fiercalicious is the Toronto drag queen who lived up to her name on Canada’s Drag Race Season 3. The fierce drag queen courted controversy from the first moment she appeared on the show, never missing a moment of drama or a single second of camera time. Although she was easily categorized as a villain, she became an alluring character as the season rolled on, and she soon won the audience over with her efforts to make amends with her fellow contestants. After shashaying her way to a Top 4 finish thanks to her strong performances and eclectic outfits that ranged from a campy clown to a nuclear sea creature, she is now set for world domination.
One of three artists that featured in Cosmopolitan’s Cosmo Queen Series, Miss Fiercalicious also went viral on TikTok and featured in a Lights music video. Describing herself as a “bitch with a heart”, this queen was studying Biology at Western University in London, Ontario, when she discovered her love for drag. However, there weren’t enough opportunities for her drag to grow in the city so she returned to Toronto and began competing in pageants and competition including Woody’s Queen of Halloween, Miss El Convento Rico, and Crews & Tangos Drag Race. After showing what she was capable of and making a name for herself she was more than ready for her Drag Race debut, and has since proved that she is much more than just a look queen.