Natalie Alzate’s adventure began as a college student living in her parents’ house with a small studio and a large goal to create an escape from her daily life through good digital entertainment. She has now evolved to build Natalies Outlet. Alzate is one of YouTube’s most successful and fastest-growing multi-cultural female artists. Natalie founded #Viral, a weekly podcast on the online video business. Each episode spotlights a well-known or up-and-coming digital entrepreneur. Alisha Marie, King Bach, Joey Graceffa, Kandee Johnson, Karina Garcia, and Hannah Hart are among the first season’s visitors. On Apple Podcasts, #Viral is ranked in the top ten.
Her popular digital content includes DIY “Life Hacks” as well as beauty, fashion, and lifestyle tips for her millions of followers across the world. Her YouTube channel has more than 8.3 million subscribers and more than 1.5 billion views. Natalies Outlet Dos, a Spanish-language channel with about one million followers, and Natalie & Dennis Show, a vlog with over 630 thousand subscribers, are two of her most recent creations. Her channels have a combined total of over 12 million subscribers and 1.5 billion video views, with the majority of her rapid development occurring in the last two years. You can also check her out on Instagram @nataliesoutlet where she boasts a following of over 750 thousand fans. She can also be found on TikTok @nataliesoutletofficial.