Tommy Feight is a businessman and star of the Bravo reality series Shahs of Sunset. The show, which airs in the United States, follows a group of Persian Americans living in Beverly Hills, and the surrounding neighbourhood known as “Tehrangeles”, as they strive to balance their hectic social lives and up-and-coming careers with the demands of their families and traditions. After E!’s Love Is in the Heir in 2004, it is the second American reality television show about Iranians. Reza Farahan, Golnesa Gharachedaghi, Sammy Younai, Asa Soltan Rahmati, Mike Shouhed, and Mercedes Javid were the original subjects of the series. Feight is the husband of Javid. After initially meeting on Tinder, the couple married in 2018 at the Jeremy Hotel in Los Angeles, following a three-year engagement. The ceremony was shown during season seven of the show.
Feight is the marketing director for Blow & Drive Interlock. The corporation creates cutting-edge surveillance equipment that the US government employs to track criminals, with the goal of making streets and towns safer. Breath alcohol ignition interlock devices are also sold by the company. These devices, which are commonly mounted on a car’s steering wheel after a DUI incident, require the driver to blow into it before the car will start, in order to ensure they are not intoxicated. Feight keeps up with his fans on Instagram, where he boasts almost 70,000 followers.