Will the Farter, the renowned flatulist and comedian, burst onto the scene over a decade ago, captivating audiences with his one-of-a-kind brand of humor. Rising to fame through unforgettable appearances on Jackass 3D and the Howard Stern on Demand TV show in 2007 and 2008, Will has since become a household name.
For more than 10 years, Will has crafted a successful career as a flatulist, captivating fans with his unique talents. His YouTube channel, boasting over 5k subscribers, showcases a plethora of prank videos and hidden camera tricks. Fans revel in his ridiculous antics and harmless sense of humor as he unleashes his playful tricks on unsuspecting members of the public. Will has diversified his content, including live streams and gaming videos, broadening his appeal and connecting with new audiences.
In the world of comedy, Will’s fame skyrocketed after being selected as a cast member on Jackass 3D in 2010. The film, featuring a series of uproarious pranks and practical jokes, further solidified his status as an entertainer with a penchant for the unexpected.
Beyond the screen, Will has evolved into a social media sensation, often exposing scammers in his video series. His popularity extends to the realm of Cameo, where fans clamor for personalized videos, shoutouts, and unique performances from the flatulist extraordinaire. With a global fanbase, Will the Farter continues to leave an indelible mark on the world of comedy and entertainment.