Zack Torres, a renowned American child dancer, first captured the nation’s attention as a standout performer on the acclaimed Lifetime reality series ‘Dance Moms’ and ‘Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition.’ Hailing from Arizona, Torres, the son of Gina Torres, quickly rose to fame through his exceptional dance talent, amassing a substantial following of nearly 80k on Instagram.
Beyond his accomplishments on the dance floor, Torres is a vocal advocate for gender inclusivity. Openly homosexual, he endeavors to ignite conversations surrounding gender issues, leveraging his platform to educate and raise awareness.
As the CEO and founder of @continuumcommunity_, Torres spearheads initiatives to transform communities into more gender-inclusive spaces by offering practical and accessible resources. His commitment to fostering understanding and acceptance extends beyond his performances and screen appearances.
Post-‘Dance Moms,’ Torres pursued a dance education at USC Kaufman and furthered his studies at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. His passion for dance is not confined to the stage; Torres aspires to join a contemporary ballet company, contributing his unique artistry to the dance world.
Actively engaged in community initiatives, Torres sees himself as an agent of change and strives to use his personal experiences to reshape the dance landscape into a more inclusive and accepting environment. With a keen sense of responsibility as an artist, Zack Torres continues to push boundaries, encouraging dialogue and progress within the realm of dance and beyond.