Best known as a videographer, Jeb Carty is also known for his innovative ideas that most of the times go viral. Carty was born in 1991. To his family and friends he is known as someone who likes to bring positivity to everyone. Carty enjoys recording videos that people have never thought of before. During the quarantine period caused by the pandemic, Carty came up with an idea of making an epic quarantine video. He decided he wanted to shoot an innovative video that portrays something unique about LA. He decided to dump water balloons to his friends’ house from a helicopter. This was one of the fastest gone viral videos Carty had ever created. What was most interesting about it was the fact that he even got the FAA regulation of not causing any property damage beforehand. This video was the evidence of the biggest water balloon fight ever seen. Like many other artists, Carty believes that to come up with unique ideas, you have to allow yourself to think like when you were a kid. It is usually his kid-like ideas that bring the real firepower to his content. It was in the beginning of quarantine that Carty decided to open his own YouTube channel. He quickly reached over 14 thousand views on his videos. Carty also uses Instagram, where he has over 112 thousand followers, to share his creative content.