Loreen Hwang is a social influencer and lifestyle blogger who has been inspiring others with her work for the past few years. She set up her blog, Coucou Jolie, to tackle topics from health, fashion and beauty to sustainable living and travel. Her blog covers all bases and she has now got a huge online following who love her content.
Hwang’s blog has a lot to offer. She is an expert on nutrition, healthy eating and how to keep fit. She also blogs about how we can protect our mental well-being, exploring how travel, self-care and a sustainable lifestyle can be good for the soul. Hwang stands out from the crowd because she doesn’t stick to just one niche; her blog really is a guide on how to excel in all areas of your life. Hwang can also be found on Pinterest, where she has several hundred followers keeping up with her pinboards.
In addition, Hwang’s work has allowed her to collaborate with brands to help them promote their products. She has promoted a number of different hotels during her travels, and she endorses products from health brands such as Ancient Nutrition and beauty brands like Raw Sugar Living. With over a hundred and eighty Instagram followers to promote to, Hwang has all the ingredients for a successful career as a social influencer, and with multiple additions to her blog weekly, she is definitely still full of ideas that she wants to share with the world.