Fiction Family is a musical group formed in 2005 by Switchfoot frontman Jon Foreman and Nickel Creek guitarist Sean Watkins. The project began as a casual jam session, with Foreman and Watkins exploring their musical chemistry and developing a unique sound that blends elements of folk, rock, and pop music.
After several years of collaboration and songwriting, Fiction Family released their highly-anticipated self-titled debut album on January 20, 2009. The album was produced by Jon Jon Augustavo and recorded in a variety of locations, including a beach house in San Diego and a cabin in Utah. The result was a critically acclaimed record that showcased the duo’s undeniable talent and musical versatility.
Following the release of their debut album, Fiction Family began performing live, adding drummer Tyler Chester and bassist Aaron Redfield to their lineup. The band’s live shows have been described as dynamic and engaging, with Foreman and Watkins bringing their infectious energy and chemistry to the stage.
The group’s music is characterized by intricate harmonies, thoughtful lyrics, and a wide range of instrumentation. Songs like “Not Sure” and “When She’s Near” showcase the duo’s knack for catchy melodies and sing-along choruses, while tracks like “Look for Me Baby” and “Betrayal” delve deeper into complex emotions and themes.
Despite the success of their first album, Fiction Family have taken their time with subsequent releases, waiting four years before releasing their second album, “Reunion” in 2013. The album featured guest appearances from a variety of accomplished musicians, including Sara Watkins, Andrew Bird, and Glen Phillips.
With their unique blend of genres, captivating live performances, and impressive discography, Fiction Family stands out as one of the most talented and creative musical collaborations of the past decade.