Hailing from the historic and culturally rich city of Charleston, South Carolina, Ranky Tanky is a captivating American musical ensemble on a mission to preserve and celebrate the vibrant traditions of Gullah culture. With their jazz-infused interpretations of traditional Gullah music, Ranky Tanky has carved a unique and profound niche in the musical landscape, paying homage to the culture that emerged among descendants of enslaved Africans in the Lowcountry region of the U.S. Southeast.
The heart and soul of Ranky Tanky is deeply rooted in the Gullah heritage, a culture steeped in African rhythms, spirituals, and storytelling. Comprised of gifted musicians who are not only skilled in their craft but also passionate about preserving their cultural heritage, the ensemble weaves a tapestry of Gullah songs and stories into every performance.
Ranky Tanky’s name itself, derived from a Gullah phrase meaning “work it” or “get funky,” reflects the group’s dedication to capturing the spirit and authenticity of their ancestors’ music. Their mesmerizing arrangements blend jazz, gospel, and R&B with traditional Gullah songs, resulting in a sound that is both timeless and contemporary.
In 2017, Ranky Tanky released their eponymous debut album, earning critical acclaim and a Grammy Award for Best Regional Roots Music Album. Their music transcends geographical boundaries, resonating with audiences worldwide and bridging the gap between the past and the present.
Ranky Tanky is not just a musical ensemble; it’s a cultural force that celebrates the resilience and creativity of the Gullah people. With each note they play and every lyric they sing, Ranky Tanky ensures that the vibrant traditions of Gullah culture endure, inviting listeners to immerse themselves in the captivating stories and rhythms of a remarkable heritage.